Normally, I'd be delighted...... be told that I have lost 10 lbs. Who wouldn't?! Pregnant mammas, thats who. Sigh. This nausea had better go away soon, because if I don't start gaining weight before my next visit, my fabulous Dr. is gonna kick my butt :) She's given me strict orders to eat something every 2 hours, but thats rather difficult. Especially the rule about eating something for breakfast within two hours of waking...I'm at my most nauseated then. I had a single small glass of juice before my appt. today, and of course that came flying back up as we are trying to walk out the door. This sucks. On a better note, my Dr. is FAB FAB FAB! I totally love her. I actually requested to push the date of my next appt back a week so I could have her again! That being said, I'm still not going to be seen for 6 weeks. I swear, the Navy does things so retarded sometimes. But she did tell me if I had ANY problems at all, or continued to lose weight, to call her immediately and come right into the clinic. Fantastic. This is all I wanted all along, someone to listen to me and check me out! So besides throwing up several times as a result of trying to eat a little more (ugh) this has been one happy day! Lets think some calorie-rich thoughts folks...(never thought I'd say that!)