Saturday, March 11, 2006

Happy Saturday!

Having a pretty good weekend so far..only threw up twice today! Mom and Dad stopped by for about an hour, they came to drop off Mal's car on their way to DC. I've been crocheting up a storm getting ready to list a few things with my design group on Monday. I hope I get to finish in time! I made tater tot casserole for simple it's ridiculous, but sometimes the simplest things taste the best! Mal and I are watching a show on the National Geographic channel called "In the Womb". Totally cool. Gotta go watch the rest now. Have a great weekend!


Blogger Nik said...

My first time hearing about tater tot casserole was when I was watching a story on t.v. about a woman who had a gazillion children and was about to have another. hell, i think she was about to have twins...but that was a quick dish she would make to feed that tribe she had.

6:13 AM

Blogger Megan said...

I know what your talking about- I watched the second part of that show last night too! It's good stuff :)

7:25 AM


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