Monday, May 22, 2006


Today sucked major ass. You wouldn't believe the crap that happened to me. I got up early, made it to my 3 hour glucose appt at 7:40am. A little nauseous, but otherwise fine. They took my fasting blood sample, and then made me wait nearly 45 minutes before giving me the sugary crap to drink. Then my 3 hours started. First poke (fasting) took nearly 20 minutes because they couldn't find a decent vein. Second poke went off without a hitch. I was actually feeling quite proud of myself for not getting sick! Third this point I already have 5 holes in my the nurse decides to try it in my hand..which I tell her makes me ill. So she does it, I'm fine until she takes it out. Then the overwhelming urge to vomit appears. I scramble for the bathroom, my wrist bleeding all over me. Of course, out of the two bathrooms, one is in use and the other is being cleaned. I shout to the maintenance guy that I NEED this toilet. He scoots out of the way quick enough, but the damn lightbulb is out. So I vomit and vomit and vomit some more. My bladder looks up at my stomach, decides that expelling its contents looks like fun, and joins in. Yes ladies and gentlemen...I vomited so violently I freakin wet my pants. At the clinic. In the dark bathroom. It takes me at least a half hour to get my pants dried off..because you better believe I was not going to walk back to that crowded waiting room all wet! The nurse has to talk with my doc to make sure the test is still valid (since I vomited up the glucose drink) and thankfully it is..since I only had one stick to go. Last stick goes just fine, and I'm outta there. Then I go to my car.

Which doesn't start.

I want to cry at this point. I'm tired and I just want to go home. But no....I call USAA since I have roadside assistance..they send a dude to jump start my car, since it appears to be a dead battery. This takes an hour or so. He jumps it. It dies again. He leaves, and I call USAA again to get a tow truck. This takes more than an hour. By this time it's almost 3:30 in the afternoon..I haven't had a damn thing to eat all day and I'm tired and sore. Feeling rather whiny. Guy FINALLY shows up, and tows my car home. It's now 4pm. And they think its a major transmission problem.

Someone pass the tissues.

Oh, and this has further ramifications than I probably will not be able to make it to DC this weekend, to meetup with the fabulous Lynlee. I want to punch something.


Blogger ThreeOliveMartini said...

damn what a day .. but.. umm

you can see ME .. i know its not the best consolation but .. umm i am kind of fabulous

6:48 PM

Blogger Lynlee said...

You poor thing! That really was the worst day ever!

I say, bribe your sister. We'll do some retail/yarn therapy in DC.

Okay, okay, no guilt. I understand if you can't make it. BUT I WILL MISS YOU!!!

7:57 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh you poor thing!!

*BIg HUG!!*

I hope you get to make it up to DC... You better come se me soon though! Or I might have to drive down there!!

Hope you feel better love!

1:53 PM


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