Yarny Goodness
I finally found a Dollar Store in my area that had some Bernat Frenzy! I was in heaven. I picked up 20 balls total, 10 orange and 10 light purple. I plan on making a funky little throw, all for me :)

Add this to the Paton's Evita I got on Saturday, and I'm totally tickled :)

(I forgot to snap a pic of the 3 skeins of VooDoo I picked up as well)
Not only did this Dollar Store have the Frenzy, but they also had two colors of Velour (pink and purple)! Mal picked some up to make a baby blanket for our new cousin- Miah was born two days ago! I have some Simply Soft in light brown, baby pink and white, and I plan on whipping out a star shaped afghan to send her.
D and Mal's man Devonte (aka Te, he works with D) left this morning for their 2 month deployment. Sigh. I swear the next two months better fly by. I'm pissed because D is going to miss my ultrasound (which will be in roughly a month, if I remember to call tomorrow!!!) but Mal and the kids are coming. I'm just glad he got to see the baby on my first ultrasound, and I'll be sending him copies of the scan.
Didn't get a chance to spend my Pier1 card today, poor Mal isn't feeling top notch. So we'll leave that for another day, something else for me to look forward too :)
I have to get to my Dollar Tree this weekend-all this yarn buying (cheap too) is making me jealous.
11:23 AM
I hear some stores are carrying Ping Pong too. All novelty stuff, but I love it :)
11:59 PM
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