Another day with no pictures...
Man I really hate not having batteries! I have so many pictures to take, it's driving me nuts.
I finished my chenille Seraphina last night, and I'm rather pleased with it. I made several mistakes in the begining, but none are noticeable to the naked eye. Most of the errors occured when I wasn't paying attention, and put a 2dc shell where a 3dc shell should have been. Eh. Oh well :) The chenille yarn makes it wonderfully warm and thick, I hope it's intended recipient loves it as much as I do! In between crocheting, I've been re-organizing my craft area. The monsters and I share the room off the kitchen- me with my crafty stuff, and they have a play kitchen, bookshelf and several toddler size reading chairs. It's been really crowded lately, so I've been working to restore order. I'm happy to report I can almost walk in there again.
The days have been so wet and gloomy here lately, that the kids and I have been forced to find more indoor activities. Earlier this evening, we painted the before mentioned rocks. Many, many, many shades of color were involved *lol* Although much of the paint landed on the rocks, both monsters resembled ancient tribal warriors by the time we were done. Thank goodness for washable paint :)
"Thank goodness for washable paint :)"
You can say that about a 100 more times!
11:50 AM
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