Today the monsters and I went to the park. I love that it's so close, less than a block away from our house. Gabe was getting brave today, trying out the hanging bar thingies on his own:

He's pretty good too, but prefers to have me close at hand in case he wants to get down. I showed him that it's not far, and had him let go and jump down, but he still doesn't like to do it.
Natalie spent the whole time hiding from me and the camera :)

And here is what I was working on...the shawl! And a Diet Coke :)

Mucho thanks to Lynlee and Lani for providing me with the easier Seraphina instructions. It's next on my list, I have some new chenille yarn coming from Rodney on ebay (how does anyone buy their chenille from anywhere else!?!) thats perfect for it.
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