Saturday, October 22, 2005

Random Stuff...

Well, I totally endorse chenille from the famous Rodney! Love it, love it. I ordered 3 different colors, for a total of about 4-4.5 lbs. My package got here really quickly, and included three little sample balls of assorted chenilles. Totally makes me want to go back for more!

I started my first Seraphina shawl this evening, using one of the said chenilles (a suede color). Because of the relative thickness of the yarn (it's thicker than Lion Chenille, but thinner than Thick&Quick) I'm using a J hook, and the shawl is growing by leaps and bounds. I'll be able to post pics as soon as I get more batteries for my always hungry camera. At least..I think I will. Gotta figure out who this is for first, as it's totally Christmas giftage :)

The monsters and I tried to take a walk today, but the sky looked like it was ready to burst at the seams any moment. We did manage to pick up some red and yellow leaves, in preparation for our next craft project. We're making turkeys! :) I'm hoping tomorrow is clearer, because this Momma is out of Diet Coke, and starting to go mental.

On an entertainment note, D and I rented Sahara on PPV last night. Pretty good! Not what I was expecting though. I hate it when you think you know what a movie is about according to the previews, and then it turns out nothing like that. Almost makes me feel like I missed out on a movie. Moving on. Drumroll please....There are exactly...

25 days
23 hours
08 minutes
13 seconds...

12 seconds...

11 seconds...

Until...Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire!!!!! *HUGE FREAKIN GRIN* I just saw a new trailor (well, new to me anyway!) at and now I'm all a quiver :P And for those of you who think reading HP makes one somehow less of a participating member of society...well, you totally suck monkey balls. And thats a fact.


Blogger Lynlee said...

WOO-HOO!!! I can't wait for GOF!

1:12 PM


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