Tuesday, February 21, 2006

So. Vaginal Ultrasounds.....

Are definetely an experience! D took me into the ER yesterday, I was having some pains in my side again, as well as a horrid headache, nausea, etc. And the darn clinic was closed. Just because it's a holiday, pregnant ladies aren't supposed to get sick? Whatever :) Anyhoo, because I a.) was having pain in my lower left abdomen and b.)I wasn't sure when I conceived (wonky periods and all) They decided to give me a pelvic exam and an ultrasound. Vaginal, as the title implies. Surely wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world, but wasn't as bad as I expected. I wasn't give any pictures (sniff) but got to see the wee one floating around. Only when you're the expectant parent can you see cuteness in a fuzzy black and white image :) I'm happy to report that we have one very healthy baby- fabulous heartbeat, two arms, two legs, a head, etc. It was too adorable- when the second dr. came in to help verify measurements of the baby, (s)he waved to him, and then later, kept rocking his/her head in a very rythmic pattern. Totally rocking out! :o) I got total warm fuzzies and so did D. So it was awesome to see the baby, but I got no official diagnosis on my pain- they think it "may have been" several things, including some growing pains. We'll see. I feel better today, but still not 100%. Oh, and they estimate me to be about 12/13 weeks along. Whoohoo! Gotta love that.

I guess it was based on the fact that I got to see the baby yesterday, but my sleep was filled with the weirdest dreams. The strangest one was when I had just given birth, but didn't have the car seat to take the baby home in. D and I left her (it was a girl :) ) at the hospital and went to go buy one, but all the stores had older kid boosters, no baby seats. This meant (in my dream) that I had to leave my baby there overnight, and try to find another seat tomorrow. They sent all the babies whose parents didn't have car seats over to this little asian ladies store (she sold plants!) to be cared for until we could cough up a car seat.


Now I'm sitting here, typing out a blog, feasting on a hash brown and some OJ. I had to get up at the butt crack of dawn to take D into work, because Mal needs a ride to her interview today. Keep your fingers crossed for a positive outcome! She's applying at a new Starbucks opening up very close to the house. I think I'm gonna take a shower, and sleep again...this hash brown is making me feel fat and happy :)

Friday, February 17, 2006

Morning sickness sucks.

When I called Tricare in early Feb. to get my appt- the "soonest available appointment" was March 9th. Bullshit. I don't get a "doctor" until I have this first appt, so I have no one to go see when I'm feeling really crappy. So I'm just gonna march myself into the OB clinic at the naval hospital and have at it. Wish me luck.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Hooray! D comes home today! I can't wait :) 3 weeks seemed to last 3 years this time....No calls tonight *lol*

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Hooray for Myspace!

One of my closest friends ever (She was my witness at my wedding!) just found me on Myspace! Mitzy and I had lost contact after I moved to VA (she moved at the same time) and I've been searching for her ever since. What a fabulous day! :) We had a nice long chat, and it felt sooo good to talk to her again.

I'm singing the praises of the person who first came up with the chocolate/peanut butter combo...I had such a wild craving for peanut butter M&M's today, that I actually got out of my jammies to drive to Food Lion to get some. Where's D when I need him :)

Speak of the devil, he should be home next week. I can't wait, this 3 weeks has dragged by at an increasingly slow speed. No one to rub my poor feet while he's gone... although there is Mallory... :o)

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Triple the triplets

No, I'm not expecting multiples..that I know of! Still have to wait on my first appt to determine all that jazz :) Mallory and I are watching this show on Discovery Health channel, and one couples kids are named


How hilarious! (for those that don't know, Natalie's middle name is Grace, and we call her Gracie on a daily basis :o)

can't think of a title....

Nothing really new and exciting happening in Megan-land...morning sickness is still present, but not nearly as bad as the past few weeks. D is gone for another 10 days or so (he's on a 3 week cruise) and will miss Valentines day...again. Sniff. Oh well. I forget if I mentioned that my sister was coming to live with us? She's going to attend school at ODU and is applying for a job at a local Starbucks. Mmm. She better bring me home a venti chai latte every once in a while :) We're taking the monsters out to the mall today, I want to have a look at the new Gymboree line. Not to buy (heavens no...what, am I made of money?!) but to steal color ideas for some new crocheted hats. I've been in such a creative slump lately, not in the mood for crocheting at all. Although, I've been considering joining the Knitting Olympics...seeing as though I've never made anything more challenging than a garter stitch scarf..it ought to be interesting. I have a desire to make this:


And the KO might just be the nudge I need. Anywhoo...I need to go get dressed to we can leave...its a rather fancy mall, and I think they frown upon jammie pants... :o)

Thursday, February 02, 2006


What a joke that was. First off, I left the house an hour before I had to be there- the courthouse was less than 10 miles away, so I was allowing plenty of time to find the damn place (and parking, since it's downtown, everything is in parking garages). Of course, it takes me forever to find it. I get turned around several times, finally pulling over to ask a pedestrian. Fabulous woman even gave me directions to the proper parking garage :) Anyhoo, after parking and huffing down 3 flights of stairs ( I was not wearing the best running shoes) I end up in the wrong freaking building. Lets try this again. Finally make it over to the correct building, to the clerks office, only to be told I'm not in the system. Huh? She tells me to have a seat in the courthouse anyway, while they straighten it out. I spent the entire 20 minutes trying my best not to vomit...and it was a very close thing, let me tell you. Offhand, it was better than watching Judge Judy..in person is so much more exciting! I finally hear my name being called, and the nice old secretary tells me to take my tickets to another person outside the courtroom and she'll explain everthing. Cool. So I get there, only to find out.....

The damn idiot who gave me the tickets was a freakin SECURITY GUARD who had NOOOOOO authority to give out tickets!! HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I had a good chuckle over that one. Apparently he does have limited power, but he can only give out tickets if he requests a warrant first (?). I'm not sure how that works. But unless I get something in the mail from them in the next 3 days, I'm completely off the hook. Of course, I marched right over to the housing office to lodge another formal complaint. They really love me over there :)