What a joke that was. First off, I left the house an hour before I had to be there- the courthouse was less than 10 miles away, so I was allowing plenty of time to find the damn place (and parking, since it's downtown, everything is in parking garages). Of course, it takes me forever to find it. I get turned around several times, finally pulling over to ask a pedestrian. Fabulous woman even gave me directions to the proper parking garage :) Anyhoo, after parking and huffing down 3 flights of stairs ( I was not wearing the best running shoes) I end up in the wrong freaking building. Lets try this again. Finally make it over to the correct building, to the clerks office, only to be told I'm not in the system. Huh? She tells me to have a seat in the courthouse anyway, while they straighten it out. I spent the entire 20 minutes trying my best not to vomit...and it was a very close thing, let me tell you. Offhand, it was better than watching Judge person is so much more exciting! I finally hear my name being called, and the nice old secretary tells me to take my tickets to another person outside the courtroom and she'll explain everthing. Cool. So I get there, only to find out.....
The damn idiot who gave me the tickets was a freakin SECURITY GUARD who had NOOOOOO authority to give out tickets!! HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I had a good chuckle over that one. Apparently he does have limited power, but he can only give out tickets if he requests a warrant first (?). I'm not sure how that works. But unless I get something in the mail from them in the next 3 days, I'm completely off the hook. Of course, I marched right over to the housing office to lodge another formal complaint. They really love me over there :)
OMG... That is classic. I hope the bastard gets fired.
11:35 AM
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