Monday, January 30, 2006


The weekend went pretty well. Got to see Mom and Dads new house, picked up Mallory, did some shopping, etc. The drive home took a little longer than usual, but all was well.

Wanna know a secret?

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Yay! A new little monster is coming to play sometime in August, I believe. More precise dates to be confirmed later. :) Gabe and Natalie are really excited, and are quite convinced we are having a baby sister.

A belated birthday shoutout to Lynlee, sorry I missed it girlfriend! Hope your day was fabulous :)

So here I sit, not even 7:30am yet (this is quite early for me) battling a rather severe case of morning sickness, getting ready to go to traffic court. Hooray. Note the general lack of enthusiasm? I'm not even sure where the damn courthouse is. I googled the address and wrote directions, but I'm leaving an hour before I have to be there (8) to allow for getting lost time :) It's only about 7 miles away. Good vibes are appreciated, I've never been to court, even for something as benign as a expired registration ticket! Let's hope I don't throw up all over the judge....

Thursday, January 26, 2006

We're off to see the wizard....

Well, not really :) But we are off to see Grandmas new house! Check ya'll after the good!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Tagged by Lynlee :o)

Four Jobs You Have Had In Your Life
1. Babysitter
2. Online/Phone Customer service at E-commerce Support Centers, Inc.
3. McDonalds :)
4. Barista for General Javas Internet Cafe. This was the best job, ever!

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. Evolution
2. The Harry Potter Flicks
3. The LOTR Trilogy
4. The Xmen

Four Places You Have Lived
1. Jacksvonville, NC
2. Garden Grove, CA
3. Charleston, SC
4. Norfolk, VA

Four TV Shows You Love(d) to Watch
1. Babies Special Delivery on Discovery Health channel
2. Extreme Makeover, Home Edition
3. Meet the Barkers (Travis is tooo cute :)
4. Law & Order SVU

Four Places You Have Been on Vacation
1. Georgia
2. Boston, MA
3. Washington, DC
4. Boise, Idaho

Four Places You Want to Visit
1. Ireland
2. Boston (been there, love it, wanna go again :)
3. France
4. Did I mention Ireland?

Four Websites You Visit Daily
1. Ebay
2. Blogland :)
3. MySpace
4. Yahoo

Four of Your Favorite Foods
1. Hummus
2. Potatoes
3. Black olives
4. Chicken from Chik Fil-A :o) MMMMMMMM

Four Things Currently on the Floor in Your Car
1. Random French fries from the monsters
2. Junk Mail
3. A toy waiting to be returned to Wally World (it will probably sit there for a good long while, as I can't stand WW!)
4. Carpet

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Many things...

I've been such a bad blogger lately...there is a lot going on, and I've been sick again (ugh) so- there are my excuses :) We went to Jackson Hewitt and filed our taxes last night. Boy do we love Uncle Sam- $4,400+ coming back to us. Sweet. D and I have plans to pay off a few bills, put some in savings, and then have some fun! Hmm, how much yarn shopping can I do... :) My mom just invited me to come visit a little early (we're going to Raleigh the first weekend in Feb to have a bbq with the folks) so if the taxes come in today like they are supposed to, then the kiddos and I may pop over there on Thursday. Poor D has to work. Bring home the bacon, sweetie! My younger sis Mallory is coming to live with us (we'll be picking her up when we visit). She'll be attending school at Old Dominion University- which conveniently enough, is located about 4 miles down the street from us. Whoohoo :) Thats about all the news I can share right now, but there is more in the works...really interesting stuff too, so stay tuned *lol*

Friday, January 20, 2006


She's been found :)

Saturday, January 14, 2006

I love this dress!!

I want this for Natalie sooo bad :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Celebrity Look Alike

Apparently, there is a skinny Katie Holmes living inside me. Who knew?! I got a 60% match to Mrs. Crazy Cruise on

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Sunday, January 08, 2006

Look Mom, just like Yoda!

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How much do I hate Virginia?

Let me count the ways....

Yesterday morning, we find a "parking violation" ticket on our van. Which is parked in OUR driveway. It says are tags are expired. Sure enough, I glance at my liscense plate and it expired 12/05. 7. Fucking. Days. Prior.


This morning, I wake up at the ungodly hour of 4:40am to take D and Josh into work in order to keep the car. I'm supposed to be taking the kiddos to the zoo, and they're so excited. We get to the first stop sign in our complex, noticing a car parked with his lights off at the opposite end of the intersection. I stop, signal, turn right. Said car flares to life, red lights a-flashin. Turns out its the same idiot who walked onto my property to ticket my parked vehicle. Long story short(and several nasty words later), I'm the proud new owner of 2 tickets, and have to appear in court at the end of the month. Oh, the guys had to call another friend to take them into work.

And it's not even 5:30am yet. Fuck this, I'm going back to bed.

Friday, January 06, 2006


So, we're all sick here. The nasty, congested, snotty kind of sick. Gross. My parents and sisters just left after being here for a few days, they were house hunting in Raleigh, found a place, and finished the paperwork for Dads new job. So now they're on their way back to Boston to pack, and will FINALLY be closer to us starting next week :) I can't wait to go shopping with them in their new city. Raleigh is supposed to have several fabulous yarn shops and health food stores (Whole Foods!). I think we'll be making a trip at least once a month, if not more!

On a crochet note, I finished a poncho for Natalie, (using my Lynlee yarns!) I just have to weave in all the ends and add a flower. I started a
  • Snowboarder Skullie
  • for my little bro Daniel (age 11) who is staying with us while the parents pack up. It's my first time using a FPDC, and so far it's pretty easy. My sisters and I hit up a couple of thrift stores yesterday (even sick, I don't turn up a chance to thrift store shop!) and I managed to snag a bag of italian cotton yarn for $5- I suspect it's vintage, as you don't see yarn sold in 1 oz skeins all that often anymore :)

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    Thats all for now...I'm off to take more drugs and make some nice hot tea :)