Monday, October 03, 2005

Yarn, Yarn, Everywhere!

Boy, how I love shopping for yarn. Even when it's not for me! I picked up several skeins of yarn yesterday, for the Falling Yarn Swap over at C'ville. It's going to be hard to say goodbye to them *lol* I also got started on my swap purse, and it's coming along great. I have to say though, while I love the look of homespun, it's a bit of a PITA to work with! Am almost finished with Judy's hats, and hope to get those in the mail tomorrow. Ohh...while I was out, the kids and I stopped at Target again, just to browse around. I love checking those clearance aisles! Guess what I found- a GORGEOUS king sized quilt, orginally $90, for $22! AND two matching pillow shams! *happy dance* D and I have a queen sized bed, but this quilt fits it magnificently. Gotta love a great deal like that! We had been talking about getting a new bed set for a while now, and this one just fell in my lap! I saved the reciept just in case D didn't like it, but he gave his approval :) I'll snap a pic of it later, so you can truly enjoy it's beauty, it has several lovely shades of green and embroidered flowers, and is made of micro suede...yum!

I started the 5th Harry Potter book this morning, " Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix". It is, of course, excellent. I absolutely love the HP books and movies and I can't wait to see the Goblet of Fire movie. The previews look great, and the actors are oh-so-adorable *lol*

Spent a good chunk of the day yesterday cleaning house, although I have a wee bit more to do today. Plan on washing the sheets and making up our bed with the new linen, have some other laundry to do, and the master bathroom needs some TLC. Such fun. Oh well, at least I got D to help a little yesterday before he went to work, that lessened the load a bit. If only these kids weren't so darn messy :)


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