Sunday, October 02, 2005


Yesterday was so much fun! Got up early and the kids and drove over to Starbucks to meet Lani (dhaune) from Crochetville. She is fabulous! We had a great chat, and then wondered over to Target, where picked up some of their new "Dollar Spot" yarn. I got two skeins of the lavender "fur" and two skeins of a mulicolored pastel "fringe". I'm hoping to knit a scarf holding the two together, since I think they are too thin to crochet with. Anyhoo, Lani and I plan on getting together again, and we're going to make stitch markers together. I can't wait!

After our meeting, I took the kiddos over to Wal-Mart. I was looking for a pattern/yarn for the Purse Swap I joined. Can you believe I actually found a fabulous pattern and some yummy yarn to boot? Go figure. I usually can't find anything at Wal-Mart except baby yarn and fun fur *lol* I'm going to get started on it in a few days, but I have to finish my hat order for Judy first. I'm hoping to get those in the mail by Tuesday at the latest.

Mom called two days ago, they FINALLY got the official word on them moving! It's a go for December, which means some carefully executed planning on their part! They will be coming to my house for Thanksgiving/Gabe's birthday, and then moving 2 weeks later! I'm glad that they will be so close though. 4 hours is a much better drive than 10-12. Although, I loved visiting them in MA, the area was so rich with history, and yarn shops :) *lol* D will be dissapointed that he and my brothers won't be able to take their annual snowboarding trip at Xmas, especially since Mal's bf Drew was supposed to go this year. Oh well, gotta sacrifice somethings ;)

Off to crochet..


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