Thursday, December 08, 2005

Ah, Ireland....

My family is Irish, and my mother and I plan to take a trip within the next 2 years to visit. I was just flipping through the channels and found a program on, called "Celtic Woman".



It's There are few words to describe it. They are interviewing a 15 year old who is part of the program, and her voice is simply amazing. I must have this cd. The show is raising money for public television, so the cd is a whopping $75. May take a while to get it. But rest assured, I WILL own this cd.

That's a promise.

I even understood several of the phrases in the songs, thanks to my self taught Gaelic! I'm steaming through the first 2 cd's, and it truly is a pleasure to listen to and learn. I am fluent enough in French, thanks to 5 years in school, but this language holds personal meaning to me. I can't wait to be totally fluent, it's one of my goals in life. I have a feeling that once I get to Ireland, I'll have to be dragged out :)


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